Wednesday, March 17th, 2004 |
So, little background on me:
Graduated from RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) with a BFA
in Advertising Photography back in 1998. I am a trained studio photographer,
with a knack for making people feel comfortable in front of the
camera. A very difficult task. Something, I've been told by many
a professor, that can't really be taught well, but needs to come
naturally. I've got it.
I have a family, a job as a multimedia designer, and now my car.
So, an ongoing argument is that I "take more damn pictures
of your car than your OWN children. It's embarassing when people
say to me ""Oh, Andrew must take SOOOOO many pictures
of the kids, you are SOOOOO lucky"", when all you do it
take pictures of the DAMN car!"
So, you know what, I spent an hour or so with my daughter, and
captured a shot that means a lot to me.
Screw everyone else, they can't make images like I can, mine count
more when I actually take them because I know what the hell I'm
Sorry, little rant...I wasn't supose to be here on St. Patty's
The drivers seat took a heck of a long time to get in, but I got
it. Looks like leather, smells like leather, feels like leather,
and in fact it is NOT leather, but a meterial that ACTS like leather,
only better and cheaper. They feel great, look great, and the price
was out of this world ($150 for both, professional job too).
Now, for all your purists out there screaming "but the
stiching isn't EXACT"...no, it's not, I gave him images for
reference, and we talked about the pros and cons of the original
stiching, and we came to this conclusion:
It needs to look good, feel good, and last a heck of a long time.
So, this is what I've got, and they're great.
For those who follow these postings, if you refer back to Sunday,
February 22nd, 2004, you'll see a broken screw lodged into a movable
bracket for my drivers seat. I was a bit frusterated at the time,
so I didn't drill it out and re-tap it.
If you look up, you'll see that today I did drill it out, and have
re-taped it. New screw fits like a glove, and I can't wait to get
my seats back in. I've been told that I will have my seats tomorrow
Due to me being curently sick with strep, I doubt I'll have the
energy to get the seats in till I start feeling better. Drilling
out the old screw, and re-taping it took enough out of me to realize
anything more I do will have to wait.
I love this car. Everytime I think I'm working my "to-do"
list down, another little thing pops up.
I was looking at the my drivers side door, and there seems to be
a place that is bent. As I look closer, and open the door, part
of the problem is a missing screw. Why? Who knows. Seems odd to
be missing a screw right here, but hey, what do I know. The more
I find missing/worng with the car the more I love it. I really want
to know EVRYTHING about this vehicle, so keeping an eye out for
missing things, or odd items helps me learn.
So, I figured I'd take the rear grill off and clean the underlying
metal. In doing so, I noticed some broken screws, so I attempted
to unscrew the finishing bolts, and take a closer look at these
unique screws.
The threaded rod snaped off inside the finishing screw, and the
only option I have currently found is a black plastic version of
the grill. Not good enough, so I'm still looking. I might look into
a metal shop to see if they can custom make the pieces I need.
Unique screw, finishing bolt.
That gap is where the unique screw went. Now I'm
in trouble.
Thursday, March 11th, 2004 |
So, it was driving me crazy that I couldn't find my heating
system at Tweeks, Performance Products, or even Pelican Parts of
all places. I check online, in catalogs, and in all my 912 manuals.
I even asked a couple people about it. You see, it wasn't for lack
of trying, it was for lack of correct information.
Above me is a scan from the lastest Tweeks catalog. This is infact
my heating system. Do we all notice something a little odd...I'll
give you a second to really look it over...it's for a 356, not a
912. I have a 356 heating system and I have a 356 stock muffler.
AH, the things you learn when you happen to notice your buddy looking
at the back section of the Tweeks manual and low and behold:
"Hey, that my muffler...there is it!"
Anyhow, looking at the diagram, if you loose the "C",
and connect "G" directly to the engine, you have my heating
system. So, the question is, since it's in not so great shape, do
I (A) replace the heating system with a 912, or (B) replace the
system with a new 356 heating system to match what I currently have?
It should be a sismple answer, but I'm really not sure yet. And
I really don't have the money for either, so I guess check back
to see what happens.
You know, I was pretty sure I bought a 912...
This all came about due to me wanting to replace the muffler to
a Bursche muffler, and trying to figure out what straps and other
hardware I needed to make it seemless.
I know, just a little "rich" looking.
It's being looked at next week. I get my seats back on Sunday, so
after I install them, this will look a whole lot better.
My stock 356 muffler. At least the brackets look
good, so some new muffler support bands, I should be in business...after
the money comes in. |
Wednesday, March 10th, 2004 |
So, I was a bit frusterated with the Sears staff at Independence
"Uhh, sorry dude...uhh, I dunno...uhhh, are you sure it wasn't,
like, just an internet special...uhh..."
Keep in mind, I had my 4 year old loose and 10 week old in the
stroller. Anyway, I got it, and it works great.
A million small projects being crossed off one by one. Tonight
(sick, and getting worse, so you can imagine my pounding head after
I crawled up from under the car) I replaced the broken springs that
help with the opening and closing of my heater boxes. I'm not sure,
but I think I have a european heating setup, since I can't find
mine referenced in my catalogs. I'll need to research some more.
My nasty old hoses from the heat exchanger to the
body. I'll be ordering a new set this week with brackets.
Both removed, and ready to be replaced.
Saturday & Sunday, March 6th &
7th, 2004 |
So, after a long couple weeks waiting for parts, money, time,
I set aside the whole weekend to do 2 things: install the short-shift
kit & repair the pedal cluster. I'm 1 for 2, but a bunch of
smaller projects were accomplished as well, so not so bad.
During the "break" from the car I did drop off the seats
to have them professionally re-upholstered, but since I didn't have
my camera with me, I didn't document that. When I get them back,
then I'll post.
I figured I start with the short-shift kit first. As you can see
from the image above, this is with the shifter removed. Take note
of a couple things:
- My heat regulator is the far left with the off shaped wire around
- Note the missing busing in the center...the reason I had such
sloppy shifting
- The orange ring that’s other side had completely dissolved
I crawled under the car to repair the heat regulator. I got it
almost done (minus 2 new springs I need to get), but that took extra
time. Everything about this job was ok.
What was left of the old bushing, and the new one.
I'm jumping ahead, but take a look at the first photo. You can
see inside the receptacle that will house the new bushing. Looks
good, right? Wrong. After I put everything back together, I had
a 1/4 inch gap which I couldn't figure out. After a bit, I realized
that I hadn't cleaned out the WHOLE inside. The old busing broke
down so much, and packed in so much, I thought it was part of the
Anyway, after I got it ALL cleaned out, it shifts great.
Here's a picture of my modified short-shifter bracket to allow
the heat regulator to close and open all the way.
Thank's to Dave for that suggestion.
My helper.
Making sure I did everything right.
Sunday wasn't so successful.
I pulled up the carpet. I removed the wooden floorboard to find
the retaining bolt rusted off the threads, and in essence one big
ball of rusted metal mass.
I moved on.
I took a look at the gas pedal and found MORE rusted bolts and
nuts. I soaked the nuts and bolts on the pedal cluster while I attacked
the gas pedal.
Ok, so I was going to have to drill out the bolts. Oh look, nuts
under the car that are rusted to the threads...thank god for the
So I drilled out the broken bolts, taped them, bought new bolts,
nuts, and washers, and installed my new gas pedal.
Keep in mind; I have no current way of jacking up the car except
for the original jack, so getting under the car was a pain in the
ass. I know for a FACT that I need to replace the plastic bushings
in the pedal cluster with the bronze ones I got, but after a long
weekend, and even longer week, I'm just happy my gas pedal is sloppy
anymore (the old one was ripped, causing it to flop around).
I'll look into getting a big jack this week, hopefully I'll get
my seats back, and then I car drop off the car at the mechanic to
mess with the engine. THEN I’ll fix the pedal cluster and
move onto lord only knows.
Don't get me wrong, I haven't been happier working on my baby!