By no means am I a professional car restorer (not yet), nor am I one to
preach or pretend to be a teacher in respect to auto restoration, but from
time to time I will attempt a project and document it to share with the
masses. Usually, these projects will not be mechanical (not yet) but cosmetic
and frame oriented. When my knowledge advances, I'm sure the articles
will as well.
Fell free to read, comment, rip apart, and make suggestions or simply
praise (doubtful) the work I have done. If it helps in the least, then
that's cool. Mostly these steps are here so in the future I can
remember what NOT to do.
This section will be the least updated, since the process of major "projects"
are determined by children, wife, house, family, work, travel, dog, yard,
etc. But when I DO get around to making an update, you better watch out!
You know, I write these intros as if someone is actually out there reading