Now, it was my intention to sleep all day, play with my niece
and nephew, visit with my parents, but the threat of nasty weather
got us moving at about 12:30pm to get us in KC around 6:30pm-7:30pm
with stops.
So as we're cruising along, at a good pace, trying to get home
before the ice and snow hit, I stop for gas (which I did a lot on
this trip) about 10 miles north of Wichita Kansas at a rest stop
Rout66/McDonalds. My wife takes my son (4 year old) inside to use
the bathroom. I gas the Escape up, get back inside, start the truck,
and put her into drive...or so I TRY to put her into drive. Won't
budge. I can NOT get my 2001 Ford Escape into gear.
I call my cousin. He suggests I disconnect the battery to trick
the computer into resetting itself, then re-connect it and try.
“1 in a 1,000,000 change it'll work." It did not. So,
for the next 2 hours we call tow trucks, service stations, hotels,
my cousin is on his way down (2 ½ hour drive, mind you) to
get my wife and kids…Bit of a mess.
Tow truck get there. Nelson gets out and starts his deal. He is
going to have to put the Escape up on his bed, detach the trailer
with the 912, two that, and we (family and all) will have to take
a cab to lord-knows-where. Nelson is about to get the Escape up,
when he asks:
N – "Your break lights
A – “I don't know, are they?"
N – “Get in and tap
them...yep, they're out."
A – “Ok, and that means..."
N – “It means you might
have blown a fuse, and in that case, I won't have to tow you...head
inside and buy a couple."
So I did, and the fuse was blown, and the new one got us into gear
and on our way. WE LOVE NELSON. And I am not too happy with FORD
for not making it easy for me to figure out this problem myself.
I read the Owner's Manual, and called a COUPLE Ford people, and
NO ONE had head of this…SO, if you own a 2001 Ford Escape,
and you find yourself unable to get it out of Park, check your fuses.
I lost count of the mileage when I disconnected the battery, and
I lost track of time, so I don't have detailed information for the
trip back. I got here, that's good enough.
The last bit of relevant info is that after I get the 912 off the
trailer, I can't get the engine to turn over. It's 20 degrees outside,
and I tried jumping it with the Escape with no luck. So, the wife
and I pushed it into the garage (did I mention the wife just had
our second child 6 weeks ago).